The Edmonton Distress Line (24 hour general crisis line): tel:780-482-4357

The Canadian Suicide Prevention Service (24 hour line for anyone struggling with thoughts of suicide): tel:833-456-4567

Hope for Wellness Help Line (24 hour crisis support line for Indigenous peoples): tel:1-855-242-3310

The Brite Line (24 hour crisis line for LGBTQ2S+ folks): tel:1-844-702-7483

Access 24/7 (provides a single point of access to any adult in the Edmonton area struggling with mental health or addictions; also operates a 24 hour mental health emergency room): tel:780-424-2424

The Kids Help Phone (24 hour line that provides professional support, information, and referrals to any young person struggling with a problem): Call: tel:1-800-668-6868 Text: 686868